Support the Conference

How to Help



Pray for the conference personally and in your local church, asking that the Lord will do a great work.


Support National Pastors

Encourage your church members to help sponsor the registration fees for national pastors and missionaries in the Philippines and in South Asia.


Support the Conference

Consider financially supporting the conference through your local church's missions program.

You Can Make a Difference

Your sponsorship will help a national pastor from impoverished nations attend the Spiritual Leadership Conference Asia

4 things

Sponsor a Delegate

Registration Sponsor - $50

The cost of providing the conference is roughly $80 per delegate. However, these national pastors are not in a position to afford the full registration fee. Your $50 partial sponsorship allows us to provide conference registration to these pastors for $30 each.

Travel Sponsor

Domestic Travel Sponsor - $100

A sponsorship of $100 per person will be used towards subsidising travel cost of national pastors from provençal areas of the Philippines.

Meal Sponsor

Meal Sponsor - $100

National pastors from provençal areas of the Philippines will be housed in local churches. Your sponsorship of $100 will be used to cover the costs incurred by these churches.

Conference Sponsor

Conference Sponsor - $75

By faith we have contracted the Venue and also kept the cost of the registration fee affordable. Your contribution will help us cover this need.